Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Job Hunting Stories

Looking for a job in this market is depressing. I've been graduated from college for over 1 and a half years and I still haven't found a job in my field. I've become so desperate that I am now looking at customer service jobs that aren't in my field. I do have over 6 years of experience in that field, but even so, I still haven't heard anything back from any of the jobs I applied for. It's frustrating! When you go to college, they fill you with these ideas that you will land a decent job in your field pretty soon after you graduate, but that's just not the case anymore. I applied for this job with the local opera that was posted through It was a communications job, close to my field, so I gave it a shot. I spent over 30 minutes writing and perfecting a cover letter tailored specifically to this job. I sent it off and within one minute I received an auto-response letter. It said "I am currently on maternity leave and will not be able to access my email." That was the only way to contact them. About a month later I received an email from the lady and she said the job was erroneously posted and the position was filled four months ago. How do you continue on when shit like that happens? It was probably some company trying to grab resumes. People can be so evil. How can you live with yourself when you know what you are doing is wrong and destroying people's hopes and dreams?

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