Welcome. This is the official starting point to my idea for a comic/animated series. It's called Kao Nahsi no Senshi, or "Warrior without a Face". It's admittedly a working title but at least it's something. The gist of the story is the classic tale of revenge: A faceless warrior seeks revenge on the 4 demons who brutally killed his mother and ravaged his face. It was originally conceived as an anime series with 23 episodes in total but my friend came up with a pretty significant observation: most anime series are based off of manga series. So with that in mind, I thought I'd turn it into a comic. Unfortunately, there is one major hurdle I have to overcome: I can't draw anything other than penguins. So, instead of following the obvious path and make the comic full of penguins, I think I need to hire an artist to draw this comic out. That way, I can tell the story the way I envision it in my head. It's a pretty interesting idea and I would love to see it come to life.
The full story goes as follows: A story that parallels the journey of the Buddha seeking enlightenment (the series is basically a metaphor for a person's inner conflict), the faceless warrior, along with his face floating alongside him as a companion, must overcome the demons of Delusion, Hostility, and Desire to complete his ultimate goal, oneness with himself. Set in a world filled with Asiatic mythological references, the warrior must journey to the four corners of the world, meet with the rulers of those kingdoms, interact with the creatures of each land, and find the four powers that will give him the strength to defeat his enemies.
So that's it. I will be posting concept art that was created by my friend but while it looks pretty sweet, he admittedly takes forever to draw something. I need money to hire an artist who can come close, if not improve, upon his drawings and can do it in a timely manner. I know this will cost a good amount of money but I think this idea will be very appealing to people. Thanks for looking at this page and I will update this, way more frequently than I have in the past, when updates happen.